Friday 19 July 2013

"Suspension of Disbelief" (Metro 19/07/13)

Suspension of Disbelief (15) 112 mins **

This jazzy doodle is on one level a conventional murder-mystery, with Sebastian Koch (The Lives of Others) as a screenwriter spooked when the twin sister of his recently deceased lover (Lotte Verbeek, times two) shows up on his North London doorstep. Yet director Mike Figgis keeps throwing hefty quotation marks around what we’re watching, whether by cutting away to the storytelling classes Koch is teaching, flashing up textbook headings (“CHARACTER IS PLOT”) at key intervals, or folding in scenes from the autobiographical drama the writer is involved with. The result doesn’t so much flirt with pretension as hole up with it in a cheap motel for two hours, where Figgis’s typically bold imagemaking and amusing poison-pen portraits of industry hangers-on have to be set against uncomfortable-looking leads and an insistently academic air. It’s less a movie than a series of seminar notes.

Suspension of Disbelief opens in selected cinemas from today.

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